I really do believe it's important to understand & appreciate how we make the food choices we’re making.
Food is a very complex issue. We make choices all the time, everyday, about how we shop, cook & eat. Why not take a minute to consider how YOU make the choices about what to buy & what to cook.
What drives the decisions you make as to what's in your kitchen cupboards? Could it be.....
Your weekly food budget?
The food you were brought up on?
Where you shop? Local? Big supermarket? Online?
How often you shop? Daily? Weekly? Randomly?
Do you plan your meals? Or make decisions in the moment?
Time available to cook? Leisurely creating sumptious dishes? Crazily rustling something vaguely heatlhy together?
Who else you are feeding? Kids? Elderly? Allergies? Fussy eaters?
Whether you're the sole feeder or you share the cooking?
Perhaps it is choices based on health or illness?
And your skills as a cook? How confident are you in the kitchen? Does this determine what you buy & make?
Why is it that what I have for breakfast, lunch, dinner is different from YOU?
What needs to be removed from my kitchen because it's harmful to my health?
How can I find out what SHOULD be in my kitchen?
Advice & help decluttering your kitchen cupboards to follow in the next blog update
