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Time Poor, Eat Well

A common issue with the women I see in my clinic is they just don’t have time.

Rushing between work, exercise, family demands, working from home with various forms of domestic chores hidden in the background screaming to be dealt with…

💫However, even the most minimal amounts of preparation can ensure you eat a nourishing lunch.

Hard boiled eggs made whilst doing dinner can allow you to eat a protein rich, delicious lunch with very little prep time.

💫Having a regular shop with a few basics means you will always have the ingredients to hand to pull something together in a hurry.

I have a set shop with @abelandcole - and of course any regular deliveries will do. I have a few chosen items I want delivered EVERY week and these free up that all important HEADSPACE!

I know it sounds boring, but it means I don’t run out of food mid way through the week and I can always pull something together without too much hassle.

❗️Just a minimum amount of thought can have a BIG impact on improving your health and weight if it is directed in the right areas. You do not have to let your lack of time get in the way of looking after yourself.

My lunch today took 3 mins to put on the plate. And it contained:

👉Phytoestrogens from alfalfa, important for hormone balancing

👉Protein from eggs, such a quick and versatile protein, also a source of vitamin D

👉Fibre from crackers and vegetables that will support great digestive health

👉Probiotics in the form of sauerkraut to ensure I have a good daily dose, that is vital for gut health, immune support and mental health

If you are always time poor in the week I would encourage you to put aside one hour doing food prep at the weekend:

✨Cook up a pan of quinoa

✨Roast some vegetables

✨Boil eggs

✨Bake a batch of granola

✨Make a lentil soup

☎️If you aren’t sure where to start but would love to improve your health, reduce weight, have support on your journey, need weekly accountability to get motivated, get in touch for a free discovery call and find out how I can help you.

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