One of my most popular recipes is my homemade granola. Always amazed how many people tell me they make it and love it. Makes me excited to share my recipe book with you soon.
It will be downloadable and available for a reduced price to anyone on my mailing list so add your email on homepage of my website - link in my bio - and I’ll let you know when it’s ready.
For all my recipes the aim is Simple. Delicious. Nutritious.
And the reason for that is my WHY of work: empowering all my clients to take control of their health in order that they can live their best life. And to do that things need to be easy, good health needs to be straightforward, nutrition needs to be accessible and everything has to be DELICIOUS! I would never want you to eat something because it’s good for you if you really dislike it, there would be no joy in that. And life HAS to be joyful!!
✅Convenience - when I see a client my aim is to make things as easy as possible for them to upgrade, so a straight swap of a bowl based breakfast to something that is nutritionally balanced, simple and delicious ticks all the boxes.
This granola is very low in sugar, but does include fabulous complex carbs, seeds that are high in omega 3 fats, protein rich, phytoestrogens for hormone balancing. It fills you up, has slow release energy, is fabulous for gut health, provides prebiotics and if you eat it with a live natural yoghurt or kefir then amazing probiotics too.
✅The recipe is designed to be adaptable so if you don’t like or don't have one ingredient you can swap with another. The simplicity of making a jar of your own granola goes to the heart of how to eat well. I usually do add sunflower and pumpkin seeds too, and maybe Brazil nuts. If you love dried fruit add them in too. The great thing is that every time I make it it's slightly different, so variety and taste don't get boring.
✅Basic principle is a bowl of oats, and then 2 heaped tbsps of everything else, including the coconut oil. With just 1 tbsp maple or date syrup.
IF you want or need the weights here they are:
200g oats
40g chia seeds
40g linseeds
40g sesame seeds
40g desiccated coconut
20g coconut flakes
50g flaked almonds
40g pecans
15g puffed buckwheat (optional, but I have them and they add a nice texture and an added flavour and nutrition)
80g coconut oil melted
1 tbsp maple syrup (optional)
1 tsp cinnamon
Mix together. Bake for 20-30 mins at 180C, turning regularly to avoid burning. Cool. Store in a glass jar. Eat for breakfast with yoghurt and berries, or as a nutritious snack if you need one!
☎️If you aren’t sure where to start but would love to improve your health, lower your cholesterol, reduce weight, have support on your journey, need weekly accountability to get motivated, get in touch for a free discovery call and find out how I can help you.
💥If you have issues creating time to prep food, put everyone else’s needs above yourself, don’t value your health then why not book an Exploratory Coaching Hour to discover what is going on beneath the surface.
Go to Home Page for links to book